For a challenge such as this, Susan recommends consulting with a qualified professional who uses best practices, and who can meet with you and your dog.
We feel that offering advice about this sort of thing over the internet would be doing people and their dogs a disservice, especially when we don't have all the information and insights. What we can do is share some resources for you for going forward.
Our playlists offer comprehensive understanding of dog emotions, reactivity and aggression. The playlists can be viewed in full, or you can select individual in the playlists to watch.
- YouTube Playlist: Reactive or Aggressive Dogs: Key Insights with Susan Garrett
- YouTube Playlist: Dog Bite Prevention with Susan Garrett
- YouTube Playlist: Resource Guarding In Dogs and Puppies with Susan Garrett
- YouTube Playlist: The Emotional State of Dogs with Susan Garrett
Below are some key individual resources for you.
Blog with Video - Dog Body Language, Fear and Aggression:
Blog with Video - Understanding Your Dog's Triggers:
Podcast with Video - Understanding and Preventing Reactivity and Aggression in your Dog:
Podcast with Video - Resource Guarding: Dog vs Dog Aggression
Episode 72: Preventing Dog Aggression: Introducing Dogs or Puppies with Project Togetherness
Blog - Leash Aggression in Dogs: Are We Trying To Put Out A Fire With Gasoline?
A podcast with Susan being interviewed by Tim Ferriss is great to listen to and full of dog training tips:
Two of Susan's foundation games are fundamental for confidence building for dogs and for their humans. The games are "ItsYerChoice" and "Crate Games".
You can find Susan's ItsYerChoice game in her free workshop here:
We have Susan's foundation Crate Games DVD now available online in digital format:
Susan's book Ruff Love was written to help a group of her students who were struggling with household aggression with their dogs if you wanted to get that for your library. Here's the link for you:
Thank you again for wanting to help your dog.